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Property Listing Guide - Alveo Hive


Welcome to Alveo Hive, your real estate companion that is committed to putting some spark into the industry by using cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to enable Landlords, Property Developers and Real Estate Agencies to showcase their properties to individuals searching for a place to buy or rent.

Say goodbye to the days of long waiting times to get your properties off the market!

Listing a property with Alveo Hive

We’re constantly working hard to provide you with the necessary tools to establish direct connections to who & what you need to complete your next real estate transaction, thus accelerating the real estate cycle.

To conveniently communicate your properties to prospective customers, follow the following simple steps put in place to make your entire property marketing process very seamless.

Visit www.alveohive.com and click on Add a Listing (NB: on mobile, you’d have to first tap on the menu button at the upper right corner of your smartphone’s screen). You’re then directed to Login (or Sign Up, if you’re a new user). Afterwards, you’re automatically redirected to the property listing page to post your Ad(s).

To spare you the headache of always having to think of what to write down each time you’re listing a property, we have a pre-set template which already has most of the required information available, for you to simply select or tick, giving you a remarkably straightforward listing process.

Under Basic Information, you need to provide the following details:

  1. A short but captivating Property Title. Eg. Ultra-modern 2-bedroom apartment for rent
  2. An Overview of the property you’re providing. Your overview should be descriptive enough but also straight to the point and include concise information about what make your property unique. Not everything needs to be typed, since our comprehensive listing template has most of the required information available, for you to simply select.

Next, you specify some Key Details of your property:

  1. You first select the Property Status from a dropdown menu. This is where you specify whether your property is ‘For sale’, ‘For Rent’ or a ‘Short Rental Service’.


  • Short Rentals’ are properties which are usually booked for a relatively short period.

These include Relaxation Centers (guest houses, massage centers, vacation homes, etc.), Event Centers (conference halls, theatres, etc.) or Shared Accommodations (either sharing your room with a roommate or an extra room with a housemate).

Select ‘Others’ if your short rental property doesn’t fall under any of the options stated above and use the Overview box to clearly specify the details of the property.



  1. Select the Type of Property you are selling or renting out.

Here, you select whether it is a House, just a Room, Commercial Property (eg. office), Land, an Apartment, a New Development, a Foreclosure or a Vacation Home/Luxury Rental.

  • New Developments, as the name suggests, are newly-constructed properties. They could either be a ‘just completed’ or ‘work-in-progress’ project. Such properties are usually ultra-modern and sometimes come with lots of latest amenities.
  • Foreclosures are properties on ‘quick sale’ and may sometimes be offered on auction basis. They are usually mortgage properties sold by financial institutions in repayment of a debt owed by the property owner.


  1. From this point, you move on to specify the features and options related to the property type you’ve selected, such as the PriceAmenities available and other vital information. 
  • You also select a few Interior and Exterior Features of the property to help the property seeker make an informed decision. 
  • Most of the information are optional and just meant to enable you provide a wide array of information to boost the property seeker’s interest in your property. 


The final two details are the Property’s Location and Pictures

  1. Simply start typing the location and our system would automatically provide a list for you to select from. Selecting from the system-generated list enables our mapping system automatically provide your users with other vital information such as list of schools, and other necessary amenities within the vicinity your property is situated in.
  2. Lastly, upload Pictures of your property by tapping on the “Add an image” icon(s). You can add up to 10 images. You then select the checkbox underneath one of the images to make it the Cover Photo for your listing. 

At this stage, you can scroll through to check if all the information you entered is without error before clicking the Submit button.
A pop up message appears to confirm if you’re really set to submit. If you’re certain that everything is intact, you can click on it and voila, you’re done with your listing. 

You can then follow the same procedure to list any additional properties you have.

We need to approve your property to make sure it meets our requirements. Once it’s done, your property becomes visible to Property Seekers.

What’s more?

As a welcome package, you are entitled to list all your properties for free if you get on board before our free period ends.
Simply visit www.alveohive.com now to list your properties and let us get them before the right audience for you!

Property Posting Tips to acquire clients faster:

  • Use quality photos
  • Name your photos to reflect the property you’re listing. This helps in Search Engine Optimization and makes it possible for your property to show up when a Property Seeker searches for a property directly via Google or other online avenues.
    Eg: 6-bedroom, Madina house, Spacious room, etc. 
  • Select the most attractive and captivating picture as the Cover Photo
  • Select the location of the property from the system-generated list which appears when you start typing. This enables our system to automatically generate a list of needful information about the community your property is located in.

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